MicroPython STM32

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STM32 и Питон


MicroPython for STM32

There is currently support for the following ST boards: B-L072Z-LRWAN1 B-L475E-IOT01A NUCLEO-F091RC NUCLEO-F401RE NUCLEO-F411RE NUCLEO-F413ZH NUCLEO-F429ZI NUCLEO-F446RE NUCLEO-F722ZE NUCLEO-F746ZG NUCLEO-F767ZI NUCLEO-H743ZI NUCLEO-L073RZ NUCLEO-L432KC NUCLEO-L452RE NUCLEO-L476RG NUCLEO-WB55 STM32F411E-DISCO STM32F429I-DISCO STM32F4DISCOVERY (with STM32F407 MCU) STM32F769I-DISCO STM32F7DISCOVERY (with STM32F746 MCU) STM32L476G-DISCO STM32L496G-DISCO USBDONGLE-WB55 The official reference hardware for MicroPython is the pyboard which contains an STM32F405 microcontroller.

Discovery kit with STM32F407VG MCU

Тут много всего LetsMakeRobot

Board STM32F407 Discovery with MicroPython

Setup MicroPython on STM32F407 Discovery Board

http://www.count-zero.ru/2020/micropython/ Плата STM32F411CE BlackPill + MicroPython. Быстрый старт]


Board STM32F407 Discovery


Setup MicroPython on STM32F407 Discovery Board MicroPython-STM-Lib

Board STM32F407 Discovery


Тут много всего LetsMakeRobot

Board STM32F407 Discovery with MicroPython

Ethernet модуль + STM32F4Disc + MicroPython

import network nic = network.WIZNET5K(SPI(1,SPI.MASTER), pyb.Pin.board.PA4, pyb.Pin.board.PA3) nic.active(True) nic.ifconfig( ‘dhcp’ ) print(nic.ifconfig()) (‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’)

MicroPython compiled with parameters. MICROPY_PY_WIZNET5K = 5500 MICROPY_PY_LWIP = 1

WeAct STM32F411CEU6 MicroPython + Encoder

STM32F405 – Погодная станция. (Micropython)

WeAct STM32F411CEU6 ver 1.3

Ethernet модуль + STM32F4Disc + MicroPython

SPI и W25Q32 Serial Flash Memeory подключение.

Dev-Board Micropython STM32F405

STM32F103C8T6 и ILI9341 TFT Display = Метеостанция (Проект)

ILI9341 TFT Display 2.2 SPI MicroPython STM32F4

OLED SSD1306 SPI STM32F4 MicroPython

STM32F4 MicroPython SD-Card

MicroPython-ST7735 (STM32F4)

MicroPython TinyRTC I2C module (STM32F4)

STM32F407 Discovery with MicroPython + NFC (RFC522)

STM32F103C8T6 ARM STM32 Cortex-M3 – Arduino

MicroPython ESP32 and ESP8266: Program with VS Code and Pymakr